
THE OCCULT TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE – How to transcend the Matrix

In the past few years, everyone in the spiritual and personal growth scene can’t stop talking about The Matrix and finding ways to bust out of the boundaries and confinement of the third dimension.

Can we truly free ourselves from the control of the Matrix? Do we really know what we are slaves to? Do we have a clear understanding…

Are Ghosts and Spirits the Same Thing? Difference Between Spirits and Ghosts

We are used to talking about spirits and ghosts, watching movies about spirits and ghosts, and reading stories about ghosts and spirits that delve into the paranormal realm. But do we really know what ghosts are? Are spirits and ghosts the same thing? Is there a definitive definition? We will answer these questions in today’s post. DEFINITIONS OF GHOSTS AND…


When it comes to the topic of curses, one often encounters clichés, popular beliefs, and superstitions that make it hard for most people to believe.

In reality, curses should be treated with a certain level of dignity, as not only are they historically proven, but they also speak about the shadows of spirituality, the union of magical forces, and human…


Who is the Devil, who invented it, and why? What is its role in society? To answer these questions, we must start with a clarification: in all religions, cults, and spiritual beliefs, exists a dark side that is referred to differently based on the cultural context. Satan, Beelzebub, demon, enemy of God, Antichrist, Lucifer, these are just some of the…

DO CURSES EXIST? Everything you need to know about curses

Do curses exist? Can they be broken? Are generational curses real? How can we recognize if we are victims of a curse? Who can we contact for help? These are just some of the questions we will answer in today’s post. Curses are a particularly interesting and delicate subject as they interconnect religion, magic, and superstition. It is a complex…

What is the Apocalypse? – The true meaning of the APOCALYPSE

Is the world really about to end? Should we expect catastrophic events that will mark the end of humanity? Is the Apocalypse real or just an invention? What is the true meaning of the Apocalypse?

The concept of the Apocalypse has both fascinated and terrified different generations for thousands of years. In a world where natural disasters, wars, and acts…

The DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL: what it is, symptoms and signs it is over

The dark night of the soul is the most important and perhaps most painful stage of a spiritual awakening. It is not possible to have a spiritual awakening without going through the dark night of the soul as it is precisely this passage that initiates a process of radical transformation. The spiritual awakening and the dark night of the soul,…

Know Yourself through NUMEROLOGY- Everything you need to know about your NUMEROLOGY

Numerology, an ancient metaphysical practice, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Rooted in the belief that numbers possess profound symbolism and hidden meanings, numerology offers a fascinating system for understanding the interconnectedness between numbers and various aspects of our existence, including personality traits, relationships, and future events. In this post, we will embark on a fascinating journey through the…

DEMONOLOGY: What is it?- Demonology Explained

Demonology, a field that is often seen as shrouded in darkness and intrigue, delves into the study of demons and their nature, characteristics, origins, and influence on human existence. Throughout history, demons have been depicted as malevolent entities capable of wreaking havoc and tormenting humanity.  Demonology in History Demonology finds its origins in ancient civilizations and religious traditions around the…


Does witchcraft really exist? Do witches still exist? How can witches be recognized? Witches exist right on the border between fantasy and reality, stuck between folklore, superstition, tradition, and secrecy. Mangled in books and movies, abused and judged in the real world for more than 400 years, they are back in the limelight today in the modern world, with a…


Do Indigo children really exist? And if so, who are they? Why are Indigo Children here? The existence of Indigo Children is still an open debate. It is a very delicate topic in many ways because the personal beliefs of families often clash with new disorders diagnosed by modern psychology. In the case of indigo children, there is a clear…

5D Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening & The Journey of Evolution

Many people believe that spirituality and religion are one and the same thing, but I’m here to tell you they’re not. In religion, you always have someone who will dictate how you should live your life, behave, and even think. You have the priests and other religious leaders that usually follow guidelines written in a book or scripture and they…

The Unconditional Love Trap of the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness

There seems to be a misconception and misunderstanding about unconditional love in the fifth dimension of consciousness and I am here to tell you my view on it and why I think many people seem to be trapped while attempting to replicate unconditional love in the third dimension. Love in the third dimension and unconditional love in 5D consciousness are…

What The Akashic Records Are and How a Reading Can Change Your Life

The Akashic Records are literally the history of our soul since we were “created”, going for an infinite number of lives or existences. Every decision that we made in the past, every possibility in the future, every karmic pattern, and every block can be found there, which is useful, so we can work on improving or changing something in our…

3 Things To Do When You Have a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening. Two words in almost everyone’s mouth for the last few years. These words constantly appear on (parts of) mainstream media, personal blogs, websites, and especially all over social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many others. A spiritual awakening is when one becomes aware that there is a spiritual reality, not just “out there”, but within ourselves.…

How To Ask for the Help of the Angels – What Are Angels?

Almost everybody knows about angels. At least in “western civilization” we have all mentioned, read about, or heard about angels. People that believe in angels, many of them believe in them because they’re religious and that’s what they were brought up to believe and know. Others believe not because they’re religious, but because believing in those beings gives them peace…

The Differences Between Minerals, Crystals Explained

Ah, what is not to love about minerals, crystals, and gemstones with their beautiful colors, textures, shapes, and even smells? There are not many people in this world that don’t have at least a single piece of mineral, crystal, or gemstone in their possession. Or that haven’t seen any of these in their life. They are truly amazing things, but…

Soul groups and the origin of the soul: The Alpha Centaurians

Traits and Characteristics of the Alpha Centaurians: positive and dysfunctional aspects The Soul group of origination of our soul is one of the pivotal aspects that define our inner qualities, how we act and react, think, live, and manifest in the 3rd dimension. The Soul Group of Origination is one of the aspects of the Blueprint of your soul, the…

What Is Reiki? What You Need to Know About Reiki

REIKI is energy. Everything that has ever existed and everything that exists has got energy in it. Humans, animals, plants, the elements (fire, air, water, earth) and all inanimate objects. There is nothing in this world that doesn’t have energy or is not made of energy. Even science has already proved that to be an undeniable fact. Energy is all…

Spirituality: the real deal or the ultimate trend?

Terms like “spiritual awakening”, “the great awakening”, being “woke” or “awaken”, “the great shift”, “the Age of Aquarius”, “5th dimension of consciousness” and so on, have been increasingly grown in popularity in the last few years. These and many other “spiritual” terms are everywhere, in particular, the internet on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, just to name a…

The Law of Compensation – What it is and How to use it

What is the Law of Compensation? In basic terms, the Law of Compensation is one of the 12 Universal Laws and it says that you will always be rewarded (or compensated) for all your actions and doings. So, whatever you do in your life will have a tremendous influence on whatever it is your reward or compensation is. Remember the…

What is the connection between Chakras, Crystals and Gemstones?

Minerals, crystals and gemstones are used for many purposes that somehow help us in our daily lives, like technology, or are used merely for their look and aesthetic, like jewellery and display: all of them have amazing energy since they’re all formed on Earth at very high temperatures. With the incredible increase in popularity of alternative and esoteric practices, crystals…

The Real Meaning of Abundance – What Abundance really means

When talking about abundance, most people might be referring to the physical side of it, like having more money, possibly getting a new car, buying a bigger and nicer house, etc. And there is nothing wrong with that because all that IS part of abundance too. But that is not all that abundance is. At least when it comes to…

The Law of Attraction: What It Is and How to Apply It

The Law of Attraction is one of the many so-called universal laws and it states that like attracts like, whatever you think about, on a regular basis, you will bring it about. The idea behind it is that we are the main creators of our own lives, of our own reality, based on what we actively think of. So, what…

What the Universe is and How to Speak to it

Let’s clarify what the Universe really is and how we can effectively talk to it to obtain the guidance we seek It was at the very beginning of my spiritual journey that the word Universe started to pop up in all my online searches, in all the YouTube videos I was watching, in all the books I was reading, and…

How To Manifest Permanent Abundance: The Ultimate Secret

What nobody tells you about creating a successful life and manifesting permanent abundance in your current life and future ones. Although the power of positive thinking does actually have an impact on the results and the outcome we want to manifest, there is a massive piece of the puzzle missing to manifest permanent abundance in our current life and in the…

What is the Crown Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the seventh chakra (Sahasrara): a complete guide for beginners At the top or just above the head we find the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara in the Sanskrit language. This is where we can access higher consciousness, to the “god light”, to all that is, was and ever will be. The Crown Chakra can be…

How To Access the Akashic Records – 3 Easy Ways To Read Your Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the story of our soul, a collection of events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent that occurred in the past, present, or future in all entities and life forms, not just humans. In the Akashic Records are also stored all the behavioral and karma patterns our souls have generated consciously or unconsciously: patterns that we might have…

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the sixth chakra (Ajna): a complete guide for beginners The Third Eye Chakra is the second of the higher chakras (after the Throat Chakra) and is located right between the eyebrows. In fact, it is believed that the pineal gland inside the brain is the actual Third Eye. The eyes can physically see, but…

What is the Throat Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the fifth chakra (Vishuddha): a complete guide for beginners The Throat Chakra is the fifth of the seven main chakras and is also the first of the higher chakras, the one that comes immediately after the “bridge” that is the Heart Chakra. The Vishuddha Chakra area goes from the middle of the collar bone…

How to easily integrate into 5d consciousness

How we can use Awareness to fully and successfully integrate into 5D Shifting into the 5th dimension of consciousness doesn’t happen overnight: our bodies, our minds, and our human containers wouldn’t be able to achieve such a change in days or just in a few months. We need time to adjust, to grow and expand, evolve but there are a few things…

What is the Heart Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the fourth chakra (Anahata): a complete guide for beginners This is one of the most obvious of the chakras, when it comes to the location on the body. The Heart Chakra or Anahata is located right in the centre of the chest and is associated with all matters of the heart: (self) love, compassion,…

5 Life-changing Tips to Embrace Your Divine Self-Expression

How to become aware of your spiritual divine nature and live up to your full potential as a spiritual being Becoming aware of our spiritual divine nature also means becoming aware of the power and the new value system that comes with it which is completely different from the beliefs we hold as human beings. Realizing our true nature is…

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the third chakra (Manipura): a complete guide for beginners You know when people say they have a gut feeling or they feel butterflies in their stomach? This is happening at the Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the belly button and the bottom of the ribcage. The Solar Plexus is where your self-esteem, your personal…

What is the Sacral Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the second chakra (Swadhisthana): a complete guide for beginners Located in the lower abdomen area, between the pelvic area and just below the belly button, the Sacral Chakra is where the more creative and sexual energies exist. The creative energy is what helps you have a more enjoyable life on this world. Because the…

Karma is NOT a b****! What KARMA really is and How it works

Understanding karma and how it can be easily changed to create a life of abundance Well well well, I am finally putting this article together after procrastinating for quite some time because, honestly, I don’t know if human beings living, creating, and existing merely in the 3rd-dimensional space, are ready to hear this. Understanding how really works is liberating but…

What is the Root Chakra?

Everything you need to know about the first chakra (Muladhara): a complete guide for beginners As the name indicates, the Root Chakra has to do with roots, therefore with the earth below our feet. The root is what connects all of us with this Earth’s energy, which can be called grounding. So, you can say that the Root Chakra is…

What Are Chakras? The 7 Chakras and Their Meaning

How to open the chakras, how to unlock them, how to balance them and meaning: a complete chakras guide for beginners The word chakra comes from the old Sanskrit language and it means wheel. And it means wheel because its energy is felt and seen as it is rotating or spinning around inside a person’s body. The body has 7…

Are you a Lightworker? What it really means to be a Lightworker

Lightworkers are those souls in service to the light. They work, live, and exist in the light, for the light, within the light. They are the sun on a cloudy day, the sprinkles on a burnt cake, and the steady lighthouse when the storm hits. They are here to help humanity to change and evolve on the deepest level: very…

The Science Behind the 5th Dimension of Consciousness

If you are interested in spirituality or human evolution, you might have heard that the whole galaxy is ascending to the fifth dimension of consciousness, a higher level of the human experience and a different way to experience existence itself. The 5th dimension is often described metaphysically as the plane of unconditional love, manifestation, heaven for some, the unity of…

5 Limiting Beliefs You Need To Change To Shift Into 5D Consciousness

When we start shifting into 5D consciousness, a lot of things happen inside of us which reflect, inevitably, in our outside lives. We change how we take care of ourselves during ascension, we revisit our relationships and our boundaries, we start eating differently, we change the way we work for others and with others and perhaps we start our own…

5 Simple Self-Care Tips for Awakening and Ascension

In this article, I would like to talk about something very important during our awakening and ascension journey: self-care, giving you 5 simple spiritual self-care tips that you can apply in your daily life. I put together these tips observing my personal experience and how I had to let go of my 3rd-dimensional habits, the way I am taking care…

5 Signs You Are Shifting into Higher Consciousness

In this article, I am going to talk about 5 signs that indicate you are leaving the lower dimension of consciousness and shifting into the higher one, the fifth dimension. 1.The first clear sign you are shifting to a higher consciousness is so simple but so powerful. You do not recognise your life anymore. All of a sudden, you feel totally out of…

10 Things To Remember When Moving In The 5th Dimension

How to reprogram our brains when we finally move to the 5th dimension of consciousness When we have our awakening and we ascend, our brain goes through a complete rewiring and our mind and our heart become one. Until everything we learn sinks in, we might feel the need to remind ourselves that no, we are not going crazy and this amazing…

10 Powerful Self-Love Tips For Ascension And Awakening

When we awake and we ascend, we go through a complete change in our awareness and consciousness and the way we take care of ourselves changes completely. First thing first, I would like to clarify a couple of concepts that are going to help you to understand why self-love is so important, no matter the stage we are in our…

12 Indicators You Are a Lightworker

Lightworkers are those beings reincarnated on Earth to assist in the shift of consciousness that is happening as we speak, helping other people find their own light. This article about how to know you are a lightworker is going to give you all the info you need to understand if you are one of these special beings who came to…

How To Move To The 5th Dimension Of Consciousness

The fifth dimension is an unlimited reality where everything exists in the present moment. There is no attachment to things, labels, or definitions, there is no duality like “good or bad” as we understand that everything happens for the greatest good and in order to allow our consciousness to expand.  Here, experiences can no longer be fitted in a box like we…

What Happens When We Move to The Fifth Dimension

When we are here, on the new Earth built from the 5th dimension of consciousness, our higher self takes the lead. We finally fully remember who we are, where we come from, our mission and we use these memories to help others to remember as well when they are ready. It is here, in this place of connection and alignment that…

5 Common Spiritual Awakening Physical Symptoms

If you are having a spiritual awakening or you are going through ascension, chances are you are experiencing a few uncomfortable physical symptoms. In this article, I am going to walk you through the most common 5 spiritual awakening physical symptoms giving you a few suggestions about how to treat them (these are not meant to be medical advice). Going…