THE OCCULT TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE – How to transcend the Matrix

In the past few years, everyone in the spiritual and personal growth scene can’t stop talking about The Matrix and finding ways to bust out of the boundaries and confinement of the third dimension.

Can we truly free ourselves from the control of the Matrix? Do we really know what we are slaves to? Do we have a clear understanding of how exactly the world we belong to works? And what is the relationship between the Matrix, the concept of Inversion, the law of Correspondence, and the tarot card of the Hanged Man?

The DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL: what it is, symptoms and signs it is over

The dark night of the soul is the most important and perhaps most painful stage of a spiritual awakening. It is not possible to have a spiritual awakening without going through the dark night of the soul as it is precisely this passage that initiates a process of radical transformation. The spiritual awakening and theContinue reading “The DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL: what it is, symptoms and signs it is over”


Do Indigo children really exist? And if so, who are they? Why are Indigo Children here? The existence of Indigo Children is still an open debate. It is a very delicate topic in many ways because the personal beliefs of families often clash with new disorders diagnosed by modern psychology. In the case of indigoContinue reading “WHO INDIGO CHILDREN ARE and WHY THEY ARE HERE”

The Hierarchy of Angels and Archangels – What Are Angels and Archangels?

Angels. We have all heard of them. Beings created by God/Creator/Universe/Source out of light, beings that, for the most part, are benevolent, willing to help mankind in their development and helping the universe maintain its balance.

3 Things To Do When You Have a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening. Two words in almost everyone’s mouth for the last few years. These words constantly appear on (parts of) mainstream media, personal blogs, websites, and especially all over social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many others. A spiritual awakening is when one becomes aware that there is a spiritual reality, not justContinue reading “3 Things To Do When You Have a Spiritual Awakening”

How To Ask for the Help of the Angels – What Are Angels?

Almost everybody knows about angels. At least in “western civilization” we have all mentioned, read about, or heard about angels. People that believe in angels, many of them believe in them because they’re religious and that’s what they were brought up to believe and know. Others believe not because they’re religious, but because believing in those beings gives them peace and reassurance. Other people just don’t believe in them at all and think it’s all a bunch of nonsense.

Spirituality: the real deal or the ultimate trend?

Terms like “spiritual awakening“, “the great awakening”, being “woke” or “awaken”, “the great shift”, “the Age of Aquarius”, “5th dimension of consciousness” and so on, have been increasingly grown in popularity in the last few years. These and many other “spiritual” terms are everywhere, in particular, the internet on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit,Continue reading “Spirituality: the real deal or the ultimate trend?”

The Real Meaning of Abundance – What Abundance really means

When talking about abundance, most people might be referring to the physical side of it, like having more money, possibly getting a new car, buying a bigger and nicer house, etc. And there is nothing wrong with that because all that IS part of abundance too. But that is not all that abundance is. At least when it comes to the real meaning of abundance.

What the Universe is and How to Speak to it

Let’s clarify what the Universe really is and how we can effectively talk to it to obtain the guidance we seek It was at the very beginning of my spiritual journey that the word Universe started to pop up in all my online searches, in all the YouTube videos I was watching, in all theContinue reading “What the Universe is and How to Speak to it”

How To Access the Akashic Records – 3 Easy Ways To Read Your Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the story of our soul, a collection of events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent that occurred in the past, present, or future in all entities and life forms, not just humans. In the Akashic Records are also stored all the behavioral and karma patterns our souls have generated consciously or unconsciously: patterns that we might have repeated over and over again sabotaging our existence, in one way or another, in all our lifetimes, including the current one.