Why the Akashic Records are so important – LEARN TO READ YOUR OWN AKASHIC RECORDS

If you have heard about the Akashic Records, you might have asked yourselves what they are and how to read the Akashic Records, don’t worry, we have you covered, we already talked about this specific subject in previous blog posts, feel free to check them out, you can find them at the end of thisContinue reading “Why the Akashic Records are so important – LEARN TO READ YOUR OWN AKASHIC RECORDS”

How To Access the Akashic Records – 3 Easy Ways To Read Your Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the story of our soul, a collection of events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent that occurred in the past, present, or future in all entities and life forms, not just humans. In the Akashic Records are also stored all the behavioral and karma patterns our souls have generated consciously or unconsciously: patterns that we might have repeated over and over again sabotaging our existence, in one way or another, in all our lifetimes, including the current one.